May 18, 2011

Enlisting and Training Youth Workers-Part 2

(Part 2 of an article contributed by Chuck Gartman, Associate Pastor at First Baptist Church in Lubbock, TX and owner of Go To Youth Ministry, a consulting firm specializing in leadership development.)

What Workers Are Needed? 

An effective Youth Sunday School organization includes the following positions. (As your read, keep in mind that this is an ideal organization. In your church there may not be a need for every one of these positions; or you may need a combination of these. Fit these positions into your church’s organizational structure in the way that best meets the needs of your youth and youth ministry.)

May 13, 2011

The Future for Volunteers in Student Ministry

(Contributed by Randy Johnson)

What will be needed by volunteers in student ministry as they seek to impact the lives of students? Here is a list, but I am sure it is not exhaustive. Most of what is offered below is happening now or needs to happen soon for volunteers to be the best they can be. Please consider the following as food for thought.

May 2, 2011

Dodgeball Postcard

Here is a postcard I (Travis Jenkins) made for a 6th grade only dodgeball game night to get them introduced to the student ministry. We print these up and have them passed out at the school in their classrooms.

Travis Jenkins is the founder/creator of The Youth Ministry Network and the Minister to Students at Central Baptist Church in Carthage, TX.